Getting Your Accountant Services Right the First Time

Linda J. Dodson

Small business owners struggle to effectively administer their own internal accountant services and grapple with managing the books. When setting up a comprehensive accounting department it is important for you to ensure the following five areas are covered: payroll services, tax deductions, incentives and credits, corporate taxes, and financial statements. […]

What Is Involved in Change Management?

Linda J. Dodson

Discover the Core Principles Behind the Change Management Process Change management is an important part of HR process but the individual nature of how change affects people within an organisation is simply not as easy as adopting a standard model and sticking to it. Change is an unsettling thing, especially […]

What Is Advertising Nowadays?

Linda J. Dodson

Imagine the peacocks and flowers of the world. Colors, sounds, and performances convey to the rest of the species that you are a suitable mate. Plant seeds and pollen are spread around by other animals only if they can draw attention. Humans instinctually understand and respond to advertising. It is […]

Risks in International Business

Linda J. Dodson

Just as there are reasons to get into global markets, and benefits from global markets, there are also risks involved in locating companies in certain countries. Each country may have its potentials; it also has its woes that are associated with doing business with major companies. Some of the rogue […]

Change Management & Transition Management

Linda J. Dodson

Global competition, challenges, company goals for higher profits, requisitions or structural change in the top management; all these factors call for one thing- Change Management. British Airways had to alter its approach to content management on the internet, Cadbury had to cope with global changes by refocusing on its cultural […]