When a person thinks about pay-per-click advertising, the first thoughts might be that it is used to drive traffic to a website. The ad has no charge until someone click on the ad, and then you’re charged per person who clicks on it, hence “pay-per-click”. Another way pay-per-click advertising can […]
Business Opportunities
Why Would any Business Skip Yellow Page Advertising
Did you know there are some businesses who should not advertise in the Yellow Pages or if they do then they need to do so in a very limited way? It is true and surely if you are in a small or medium sized business then you know the value […]
The Key Role of Creativity in Advertising
Outstanding creativity is definitely goldmine in advertising industry, simply because, it can develop truly valuable and catchy slogans in print or outdoor advertising, in radio or TV ad campaigns. Advertising is one of the most dynamic engines in the worldwide selling process; regardless of the business, ad campaigns must be […]
Outdoor Digital Signage – Engaging Out of Home Advertising
Outdoor digital signage is the use of modern flat screen TVs used for advertising, branding and out of home promotion. While static outdoor advertising is still relatively commonplace, it has is fast becoming a dominate force in the out of home sector. Getting an outdoor sign noticed is perhaps the […]
Advertising As A Tool Of Communication
Advertising is a form of mass communication with the public. It is usually one sided i.e. from the company to the buyer/potential user of the product. It is a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade the potential customers to purchase or consume more of a particular brand of […]
Digital Marketing and the Rise of Online Advertising
“The future of advertising is the Internet” – Bill Gates Considered amongst the smartest men alive, Bill Gates couldn’t have put things more distinctly. Digital Marketing has taken the field of marketing itself in a direction many didn’t see coming some time ago. The ubiquity of internet devices and social […]
Ways To The Right Advertising: Google AdWords
Advertising through Google AdWords – an online advertising product offered by Google Company – have several helpful tips on how to come up with interesting ad copies. The competition in the market now is strong, and companies are always on the search for the best keywords to guarantee a good […]
Does Advertising With Signs Work?
Advertising does work when it comes to gaining the attention of people and getting them to remember our products and your services but these all hinge on the kind of advertising ideas and gimmicks you have. The same goes for advertising with the use of signs. You need a good […]
Advertising Schmadvertising!
o Why 90% of today’s ad campaigns are a total waste of money … o How Madison Avenue sleight of hand turns savvy business people into drooling morons … o The four things every ad MUST accomplish to be successful … o A great opportunity for copywriters – in a […]
Modernistic Advertising
Advertising, in common with other phases of human effort, is subject to the vagaries of fashion. The popular presentation of today may become obsolete tomorrow. In advertising and particularly in advertising layout fashionable changes have become so definite, regular and persistent that one can plot their progress on a graph […]