Does Advertising With Signs Work?

Linda J. Dodson

Advertising does work when it comes to gaining the attention of people and getting them to remember our products and your services but these all hinge on the kind of advertising ideas and gimmicks you have. The same goes for advertising with the use of signs. You need a good idea and a catchy sign to make your advertising work and a printed signage that is well thought out and well executed can mean a huge boost in your company’s sales or your brand’s revenues.

Printed Signage

Using printed signage for your advertising needs can work pretty well if you know how to make them and where to put them. Your first concern when you make digitally printed vinyl signage for advertising is the design. These designs have to catch your target market’s eye yet be done in a way that they are not easily forgotten or dismissed as eyesores. Where you put your printed signage is the next hurdle you have to tackle and to be able to make your advertising sign do its work, you will need to know where your signs will get the most positive results. Depending on your product and your target market, using signs for advertising can work for you.

Give Your Customer What They Need

Another factor that affects the effectiveness of your advertising signs is if it answers the questions and addresses the needs of your customers. Having a flashy and attractive printed signage can get their attention but will it click in their minds as something worth remembering? It will if it answers a need that they have or a question about what you offer. When you post a digitally printed vinyl signage at a ballpark or on a vehicle, it should at least answer a question they have about some of their needs. When you have your signage created, you will need to tell your signage maker what you need and talk about possibilities for your signs. The more apt your sign is to what your customers want and need, the more successful it will be at advertising.

Use Easy to Read Fonts

While you might love elaborate fonts and your brand may be written in an elaborate font, you might want to consider a simpler font for your message on your printed signage. Remember, not everyone can easily decipher those elaborate scripts or wavy fonts and using a simpler font will work better for you since it gets more people to understand what message you are trying to convey. You may also need to use fonts that are not too big nor too small to read, which takes care of people who may have a hard time reading smaller fonts or for those people who find big letters irritating to look at. Another tip when it comes to the fonts you use for your printed signage is to use consistent fonts, not scripts on one side then block letters on the other side. This can easily confuse a prospective customer and cause them to disregard your signage, making it ineffective and a useless expense.

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