Social Media for Business (2) – Twitter Branding Made Easy

Linda J. Dodson

Thanks to the Twitter revolution, establishing your brand awareness and expanding your customer base was never easier. In fact, the whole idea of “humanizing” your marketing strategy allowed companies to get a deeper understanding of their customers and serve them better as a result.

However, if you want to win the SMM game, you must know the rules and play right. If misused, social media sites can break not make your business. For example: if you showered your Twitter followers with Ads and sales-pitch-loaded tweets, you will lose them to a more “human” competitor!
Here are few insider tips to help you leverage Twitter for your corporate branding.

Show Real Interest in Your Followers

When someone follows your brand on Twitter, chances are he/she is a hot prospect. It is worth your while to check their profiles and send them a message thanking them for following you and needless to say, you must follow them back. You also need to reply to their private messages promptly. If that sounds like a lot of work, hire someone to do it on your behalf.

And hey, you need to follow people as well in and 99.99% of the cases, they will show their appreciation of your gesture by following you back. Reciprocation is ingrained in the human nature. If you take the “nice” road, many people will follow your track.

Ask Intelligent Questions to Boost Your Brand Awareness

From time to time, (please do NOT overdo what I am about to say) ask followers to give their opinion about your new product/campaign. If your questions were interesting enough, your followers will probably retweet them to others which translates into more brand visibility. If some of them gave you some sound advice(s) that you implemented, you need let them know and, even better, publicize your appreciation by acknowledging their help in several tweets. If you do, they will be happy to share your brand with the world.

I couldn’t think of a better way to let people know who you are (as a brand) and what you offer.

Out of the endless social media sites out there, Twitter is the simplest mainly because of its 140-characters microblogging magic! It goes without saying that tweeting is much faster and easier than writing a conventional blog post. With Twitter, you can build a powerful online presence at a fraction of the time compared to other social media tools. That’s why; you need to take your time and dig deep in the Twitter world if you want to make the most out of it. In future articles, we will be discussing more Twitter branding tips. See you then…

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