Negative interest rates could put an end to free banking, experts warn

Linda J. Dodson

Negative interest rates could spell the end of free banking, experts warned after the Bank of England gave its clearest indication yet that the controversial policy could be introduced. The Bank has written to UK lenders’ chief executives asking them to set out their readiness for negative rates, raising the prospect of an unprecedented move below zero as the recovery begins […]

New restrictions put recovery under threat

Linda J. Dodson

“The Government might have no choice but to resort to ordering businesses to close across the UK again,” says Samuel Tombs at Pantheon Macro. He says shops were not shown to be “major incubators for the virus”, but notes cases only started to rise when pubs, restaurants and other consumer […]

Subsidy cut to put rail on track for state control

Linda J. Dodson

Negotiations have been further hampered by the Government rejecting  industry proposals for operators to be incentivised to cut costs, sources said. A Government-sanctioned review of the railways by Keith Williams, the  former British Airways boss, billed as the most comprehensive analysis since privatisation, “may not see the light of day,” […]