The very first step to Internet marketing is designing of a website. Successful designing of a website requires stuffing of relevant keywords. Keywords are the base of any website.
Keywords are the words used by Internet searchers for making searches on Internet marketing platform. Pay per click advertising is also based upon the relevance of keywords in the search engines(SEs).
Pay per click marketing is one of the most used methods of advertising. In this method of advertising, keywords with high search engine ranking are made to search from the various search engines. These keywords should synchronize with the website content also. When a website is designed by placing suitable, relevant, high ranking keywords, then it can attain high ranking amongst the SEs.
Keywords are attached to pay par click advertisements and when the searcher reaches a relevant keyword then that keyword displays an ad for that keyword. A click on that keyword will switch the keyword to the site which has made highest bid for that keyword. Higher number of clicks will yield higher ranking in the search engines. There are keywords that rank high in the search engines. These keywords are used in higher amounts for making particular searches on the Internet. Keywords are made to bid where the highest bid scores highest place for that keyword.
Some high ranking keyword phrases are also used in pay per click advertising. These phrases direct better visitor traffic as the searches made for phrases are more specific. Therefore those clicks which are attached to phrases yield higher returns.
Many high ranking websites offer words and phrases for pay per click advertising This way they make money via search engines for those keywords. For example some of the high ranking keywords are made to bid amongst various SEs. The SEs get payments from the advertisers for the number of clicks received. In turn the search engines make payments to those websites where the advertiser has made his bids for keywords.
Pay per Click is advantageous because the advertiser has to pay for those clicks only which are received. It doesn’t involve extra payments at all. Moreover, the bid price is low in amount. Therefore they are affordable. Also they generate higher number of visitors, to popularize the site in the search engines. Because of these reasons, pay per click is the gateway to Internet marketing success.