Why you shouldn’t buy dividend-paying stocks that have taken Government support

Linda J. Dodson

Income investors should not be suckered into buying companies that have kept dividend payment, experts have warned.

So far this year companies have cut, scrapped or postponed more than £30bn in dividend payouts as they hoard cash to stay afloat.

Some £13bn has been paid up but Professor Alex Edmans, of the London Business School, said in some of these stocks were as troubled and should not have paid a dividend. This, he said, could be leading income-seeking investors into a trap.

Construction group CRH and airline easyJet furloughed workers but maintained dividends. Instead these firms should have invested in their business, he said.

“It may simply not make commercial sense to retain all workers but the decision to downsize should be made based on the long-term prospects of the industry – not a misguided need to maintain the dividend,” he added.

A “responsible business” should consider shareholders. But the flight to dividends is based on a misunderstanding that they are “free money”. A dividend withdraws cash from the businesses and reduces the share price in the short term,” he said.

On a stock’s ex-dividend date – the day that investors need to hold shares to qualify for the dividend – the share price typically falls by the amount paid out. Imperial Brands, the tobacco company, whose ex-dividend date was February 20, paid investors 72p per share but the share price fell 70p on the day.

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